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March 2014 - Dressed for Santa Fe weather |
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ABQ, November 2011 - right before leaving NM |
Captain Ken – The sailing bug hit when I was a kid visiting my grandmother during the summers in Michigan. I spent hours on her sailboat on a small lake. From there, it progressed slowly with periodic sailing trips with my kids in Mexico, with friends in the BVI and the San Juan Islands, and with family in California. I always thought sailing would be the perfect way to see the world. Sea Biscuit, a Slocum 43, is my first boat. Much research and travelling to look at sailboats for sale led me to Sea Biscuit. She is a boat that will take us the places we want to go.
Sea Biscuit has been our home since November 2011. I found her in La Paz, Baja California Sur. Sea Biscuit was designed by Stan Huntingford. She has been designed to satisfy the sailor who wants the blue water, "get me there" ability with the amenities for great comfort at anchor and at sea. It's a combination of engineering, performance, comfort and safety, wrapped in high quality Burmese teak finish, teak and holly cabin soles and rich upholstery. She is meant to be easily handled by a couple under almost any conditions. She was built in Taiwan to exacting standards using some of the latest technologies of the time that are still admired today (some of this description was borrowed from - http://sailboatdata.com/viewrecord.asp?class_id=23)
Ken does some consulting on water quality and is a chemist by profession. The best part for us and the boat is that he is also a very good handy man.
Christina - I had sailed a few times before I met Ken in 2000 on our friend Dale's Grand Canyon trip. I always thought big water was something I'd find on a river, not out on the Seven Seas. I am enjoying living on Sea Biscuit (although a larger fridge would be really nice). Before I became a crew member, I was GIS Coordinator for Water Rights at the State Engineer's office in NM. Now my other duties include learning the perseverance and patience necessary to be a kindergarten/primary school teacher. My coworkers in NM seemed to appreciate my efforts much more than my son does. Posted here are some Pictures from our past life in New Mexico.
First Mate Kyle - I am now 6 yrs old and am learning everything there is about the boat. I like to help with all jobs on the boat (although I usually get bored after about 15 minutes). After a traumatic experience fishing, I am interested in saving the world's fisheries and have a special interest in puffer fish. I am only half happy on the boat because I would like to have my dog Truckee on the boat with us, but my mom and dad keep telling me she wouldn't like being cooped up on a little boat. I would also like a cat, a goat, a horse, and a snake on the boat. One of my favorite stories to tell is about our first overnight passage on Sea Biscuit from San Carlos, Sonora on the Mexican mainland to San Juanico on the Baja side. I got seasick and vomited twice. My mom didn't write about it on the blog post for San Juanico, but I must say, it was very memorable.
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